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Don't lose interest in your home search because of interest(rates).

Don't lose interest in your home search because of interest(rates).

If you’ve watched the news in the last year or so, you know that Interest rates are top of mind for most real estate professionals. High home loan interest rates can be a significant burden, but there are several strategies you can consider to minimize the amount of interest you pay:

Let’s dive right in!

Strategies to reduce your loan principal:

  • Make larger down payments: This reduces the overall loan amount, lowering your monthly payments and the total interest accrued.

  • Make extra payments: Even small additional monthly payments can significantly reduce your loan term and interest paid. Consider allocating bonuses, tax refunds,or other windfalls towards your principal.

  • Bi-weekly payments: Splitting your monthly payment into two payments every two weeks effectively makes you pay one extra payment per year, accelerating principal reduction and interest savings.

  • Refinance: If interest rates have dropped since you took out your loan,refinancing to a lower rate could save you thousands in interest. Consider the costs involved and whether the long-term savings outweigh them.

Strategies to negotiate a lower interest rate:

  • Shop around: Compare rates from multiple lenders to ensure you're getting the best possible deal.

  • Improve your credit score: A higher credit score often qualifies you for lower interest rates. Consider credit repair services or building your credit history through responsible borrowing and timely payments.

  • Negotiate lender fees: Some lenders may be willing to negotiate closing costs or other fees, which can translate into a lower effective interest rate.

  • Consider alternative loan options: Explore adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) or shorter-term loans, though be aware of potential risks associated with these options.

Additional options:

  • Government assistance programs: Some government programs offer down payment assistance or lower interest rates for qualified borrowers. Research programs available in your area.

  • Temporary buydown: In some cases, the seller may be willing to contribute to a temporary buydown, lowering your initial interest rate for a specified period.

  • Debt consolidation: If you have high-interest debt elsewhere, consolidating it into your mortgage could lower your overall interest rate, but ensure the terms are favorable.


  • Carefully assess your financial situation and consider seeking professional advice before making any major decisions.

  • Weigh the potential benefits and risks of each strategy before implementing it.

  • Be proactive and persistent in your efforts to reduce your interest costs.

I hope this information helps you in your quest to pay less interest on your home loan! Contact us at Landmark for referrals to professionals that can assist with strategies around credit repair, debt consolidation, refinancing, and so much more.

Contact Info:

(559) 412-2301